We highly recommend reading through our API documentation to get a base-understanding of how the API works.
The easiest way to obtain the voice_id of individual voices is to find it in My Voices, then click "View" to open the detailed view for the voice in the right hand pane. Hovering over the "ID" button will display the voice_id, and clicking it will copy the voice_id to your clipboard, and you can then paste it into your code directly.
If you want to fetch all the voices in your library via the API, here is some very simple code to do that:
# The 'requests' and 'json' libraries are imported.
# 'requests' is used to send HTTP requests, while 'json' is used for parsing the JSON data that we receive from the API.
import requests
import json
# An API key is defined here. You'd normally get this from the service you're accessing. It's a form of authentication.
XI_API_KEY = "<xi-api-key>"
# This is the URL for the API endpoint we'll be making a GET request to.
url = "https://api.elevenlabs.io/v1/voices"
# Here, headers for the HTTP request are being set up.
# Headers provide metadata about the request. In this case, we're specifying the content type and including our API key for authentication.
headers = {
"Accept": "application/json",
"xi-api-key": XI_API_KEY,
"Content-Type": "application/json"
# A GET request is sent to the API endpoint. The URL and the headers are passed into the request.
response = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
# The JSON response from the API is parsed using the built-in .json() method from the 'requests' library.
# This transforms the JSON data into a Python dictionary for further processing.
data = response.json()
# A loop is created to iterate over each 'voice' in the 'voices' list from the parsed data.
# The 'voices' list consists of dictionaries, each representing a unique voice provided by the API.
for voice in data['voices']:
# For each 'voice', the 'name' and 'voice_id' are printed out.
# These keys in the voice dictionary contain values that provide information about the specific voice.
print(f"{voice['name']}; {voice['voice_id']}")
If you provide the API key then the endpoint will return both the Default voices and the voices you added.