How can I use Apple Pay?

  • Updated

Apple Pay not showing at checkout?

ElevenLabs accepts Apple Pay, but there are a few requirements for it to show at checkout.


Apple Pay is only available in certain countries


Safari browser on an Apple Device is required

The one browser exception is, starting with iOS 16, it's also possible to checkout with Apple Pay on Chrome and Firefox. On iOS other browsers still use Safari's WebKit rendering engine This is not true on Mac, so Safari is the only way to checkout with Apple Pay on Mac computers. It is not possible to add Apple Pay as a payment method on Windows, Mac, Android, or Linux operating systems. Apple devices only.


Ensure that a valid card is added to Apple Pay

Apple Pay checkout will not be available unless a valid card is already saved to your Apple Pay account. The device you are paying from must be using the same Apple ID as the Apple Pay account. You won't be able to use your Apple Pay account from someone's else's device.


Apple Pay may not be available on older devices

If your device is not on the latest update available, updating might allow you to checkout with Apple Pay.
  • iOS 10.1+ Apple Pay available in Safari
  • iOS 16+ Apple Pay additionally available in Chrome and Firefox
  • macOS 10.12.1+: Apply Pay available in Safari (no other browsers)