How do I delete voices from My Voices?

  • Updated

To delete a voice from My Voices, first find it in your list of voices, then select it to open up the detailed view.  Click the 'Delete' button in the bottom left of the detailed view to delete the voice. 

Default and Legacy voices cannot be deleted, but these voices do not take up your custom voice slots.

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If you delete a voice that you've created, there is no way to restore it.

If you delete a voice that you've saved from the Voice Library that is no longer shared, you will not be able to save it to My Voices again in the future.

Unverified Professional Voice Clones cannot be deleted.  Please contact Support here if you need help with this.

If you have shared a voice with the Voice Library, you will need to stop sharing it before you can delete it.  For details on how to do this, please see How do I delete a voice I've shared with the Voice Library?