To delete a voice from My Voices, first find it in your list of voices, then select it to open up the detailed view. Click t...
Our Default voices (previously Premade) are a curated set of voices optimized for our core use cases and made available to al...
We have recently made improvements to our Default (previously Premade) voices by giving them new fine-tunings on our Turbo v2...
If you've linked your ElevenLabs account with a third-party service, but are not able to access the voices that you have save...
All ElevenLabs Default voices are automatically available to select from the voice selection menu. They do not need to be add...
My Voices, previously VoiceLab, is our one-stop-shop for voice cloning and creating new voices. All users can generate synthe...
Unless you explicitly share a voice with another account or to the Voice Library, the voices you've created in My Voices (pre...
We only allow the sharing of professional cloned voices verified by a human. Instant Voice Clones, synthetic voices created ...