How do I share a voice?

  • Updated

We only allow the sharing of professional cloned voices verified by a human.  Instant Voice Clones, synthetic voices created using Voice Design, AI-generated or AI-enhanced voices cannot be shared in the Voice Library.

When sharing a Professional Voice Clone of your voice, you have full control over how you want it shared. If you decide at some point to unshare it, those who have added it to their library will also lose access. If you shared your voice with the Voice Library and agreed a notice period, anyone who saved your voice to My Voices will retain access for the duration of the notice period.

    • You can share your voice to individuals by whitelisting them.
    • You can share your voice to the Voice Library and even earn money via our Voice Actor Payouts! More on this further down.

Sharing your voice is quite simple.

To do so, go to My Voices (previously VoiceLab) and find the voice that you want to share. Click 'View' to open the detailed view.  Click the sharing icon at the bottom of the detailed view to open the Voice Model Sharing options.

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Before sharing, make sure to read through all of the information provided, as it includes some details that can be good to know. 

Professional Voice Clones can be shared via a sharing link, which you can send to your friends or colleagues.  Only those who have the link can add the voice to My Voices.  You will also need to add these people to the whitelist of emails so that those accounts are the only ones that can add the voice. 

You can also click "Discovery in Voice Library". If you allow this, it means that anybody can add your voice from the Voice Library. However, first, the voice needs to be reviewed for moderation so please follow the naming guidelines. You can find them here.

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When you share a Professional Voice Clones, you have a few options. Please, to get more information about each option, hover over the ( ! ) next to each of them. I will go through them briefly.

  • Enable Financial Rewards: This option will allow you to earn money instead of credits when someone uses your voice. You will need to set up a Stripe Connect account before you can start earning financial rewards.  You also need to be on a paid subscription (Starter or above) to receive payouts.

  • Set Notice Period: This is essentially an assurance for the user that if you ever decide to unshare your voice, they will have a notice period before it is completely removed. If you set a notice period for 90 days, after you unshare it, the users will have 90 days to finish what they are working on before they lose access to the voice.

    • It is important to note, that during this notice period, you will not be able to remove your voice. You will first have to initiate your notice period and have it elapse before you can fully remove your voice. You will also not be able to create a new Professional Voice Clone before you've fully removed the voice.
  • Choose Rate: By default, your earnings are based on the pricing tier of the users who use your voice. However, you can set this to a custom rate, which instead means that the user will have to pay a set amount of money per thousand credits they use.  The maximum custom rate is $0.20/1,000 credits.

  • Live Moderation: If enabled, we will use tools to check whether requests to use your voice model contain text that belongs to a number of prohibited categories. These tools are intended to stop users from applying your voice model to text belonging to a prohibited category, but they may not catch every instance of prohibited content. Please read the full tooltip about this feature before activating it.

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Once shared, your voice will need to be reviewed by our team. Once it has been verified, people will start using the voice!

You can also see metrics for your voice after sharing it. The share button will now be turned into a chart, which you can click to both change sharing settings and see your metrics.

Voice sharing options and metrics are only available if you are on the Creator plan or above.

Please see the Voice Library Addendum to our Terms of Service for more information.